What is a Blue Dolphin Pill?

What is a Blue Dolphin Pill?

Blue dolphin pills or blue dolphin ecstasy with a dolphin logo is a type of drug that contains MDMA (Molly) or 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception (awareness of surrounding objects and conditions). It is chemically similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception. MDMA was initially popular in the nightclub scene and at all-night dance parties (“raves”), but the drug now affects a broader range of people.

What is a Blue Dolphin Drink?

A blue dolphin drink reffers to a drink that is made by combining alcohol and blue dolphin pills crushed. It is one of the most dangerous ways of consuming this drug, due to the effects of alcohol and MDMA.

Blue Dolphin Pill Effects

Studies have reported that MDMA increases sexual arousal, and some people (gay and bisexual females) use drugs like the Blue dolphin pill specifically for sexual enhancement. Sexual risk-taking (e.g., having multiple partners or engaging in sex without a condom) is common among users. People who have a sex addiction frequently turn to drugs, such as the Blue dolphin pill, to soothe emotional pain.

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